Speaking — Holly Holden

Holly enjoys speaking about various intriguing topics, at private clubs and lovely venues nationally and internationally. Her most requested topic encompasses the secrets of regal design, based on her public television series filmed in England. To inquire about available dates, please contact:


We were thrilled when Holly Holden accepted our invitation to speak at our Fall Luncheon, a program for which we strive to attain a speaker we know is well respected in their field and who will be popular with our members. We had a sold out audience of members and their guests and had a long list of requests to be on the waitlist.

From the moment Holly walked through the doors of The Tuckahoe, she emanated graciousness and professionalism… We loved the opportunity to spend more time with Holly when we feted her at a private dinner that evening which was attended by our President and First Vice President, along with our Chairmen of the Day.

Her talk was delightful, informative, and inspirational. It was enchanting to see her visual display PowerPoint of magnificent rooms and their details during her presentation. She shared secrets and stories intermixed with valuable interior design advice. This gave “take home” value for our members.

This program will go down in our history as one of the best of 2019! Over and over, we heard from our members how lovely Holly was. She made each person she spoke with feel valued and important with her warmth and attentiveness. One word to describe Holly which came up repeatedly was “perfection!”
— Hunter Gundlach, President, The Tuckahoe Woman’s Club
What a fabulous day for the ladies of The Tuckahoe Woman’s Club! Having the honor to welcome you home to Richmond was our great pleasure and pure delight. Your presentation featuring three grand family homes with fascinating historical footprints and years of elegant entertaining wowed the audience. The reviews are outstanding!

While it may be true: a thing of beauty is a joy forever, so too are those rare occasions when someone enters your life and creates a profound impact. The idea that “pretty and proper” is noteworthy style resonated throughout the club, sending the women in immediate search of pink and polished. Most expressly, however, was your subtle message passed to us like a secret code ~ manners are a powerful act of kindness. In our frantic lives, such a reminder is a gift to embrace and share with joy.

My sincere thanks, Holly, for the marvelous program and for your gracious commitment to make the event so successful!
— Dana Moore, First Vice President, The Tuckahoe Woman's Club
I am writing from the Town and County Club, a Private City Club in Hartford, CT. The Club was founded by a group of forward thinking women in 1925 who purchased the Lyman family mansion who were neighbors to Samuel Clemmons and Harriet Beecher Stowe...

Mrs. Holden delivered a truly wonderful presentation to a sold out gathering in our elegant ballroom. She was informative, entertaining and yet light hearted in her delivery. The attendees all enjoyed the evening and lingered long after to engage Mrs. Holden in conversation.

I would highly recommend Mrs. Holden to any of my colleagues for future events.
— Michael Duval General Manger/C.O.O. The Town and County Club 22 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT 06105
We had Holly Holden speak at our charity luncheon at The Belle Haven Country Club in Greenwich, CT in June. What a delight! Our guests loved her, were attentive listeners, and were eager to purchase her book! Holly’s talk — a behind-the-scenes look at both Highclere Castle (the real Downton Abbey!) and Blenheim Palace — was informative, interesting and current, and she delivered it in a warm and charming way that engaged our guests. I would definitely recommend Holly!
— Karen Barry Schwarz Executive Director The Inner-City Foundation for Charity & Education Bridgeport, CT
Holly, please know that my thanks to you are heartfelt. Your talk was absolutely captivating! We loved the intimate details you included that might otherwise have gone unnoticed, and we all felt as though we were stepping through the portals and strolling the actual gardens. We had a wonderful response to your presentation, with some folks saying they loved the way you made it really personal by adding your own “sound” when the AV had problems. Thank you! You are probably the most gracious person I have ever met.
— Nancy La Perla Board of Directors College Club of Hartford