Our lifestyles have changed radically in the past few weeks, from avoiding handshakes, and now to social distancing. Our world, country, families, loved ones are now experiencing a tsunami wave, crashing over our past, “normal” lifestyle. Social distancing is our current state of affairs. Since we are now sequestered at home, may I share three suggestions that have helped me stay positive… besides a few bottles of wine with Stuart! I would love to hear from you, too.
-Trying my best to be kind, patient and loving, while also sharing a sense of humor…this is not always easy! But, these attributes can be the best gift you can give others. Do you agree? It is paramount for me to stay in touch with loved ones, whether over the phone, on the Internet. I am so very grateful to hear from my family, friends, and you!
-Remembering to thank any medical staff that I know. They are working endless hours, under stressful and dangerous conditions for all of us.
-Keeping patriotism strong and hanging our American flag. America and its democracy is a treasure to be grateful for. We are waging an invisible war together and I believe Americans are up to the challenge.
-Long walks to absorb and appreciate nature. My puppy, Miss Zsa Zsa, loves romping about too!
On another note, while we cannot shake hands, host parties or gather together, you may be inspired in ways you never knew. A business executive shared that during the plague of London in 1665, Issac Newton, who left Cambridge University to live at home during that time, invented calculus. He also watched an apple fall from a tree which in turn, inspired him to understand gravity. Lofty, I know! Just surviving in close quarters with loved ones, or being alone, for an extended period of time, is a huge accomplishment.
Hosting the ladies luncheon, as I shared in my last newsletter, remains a cherished memory. The present requires us to adapt to serious new guidelines of how we live and work at home and in our communities. Hopefully in time, we will return to the joyful social activities we are accustomed to! I am eagerly looking forward to the time when we can once again have friends over to Fox Hall.
Until then, I send you my heartfelt wishes for a sense of humor, a bounty of strength and safety, and an abundance of good health. Keep calm and sparkle on.
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Oh, the simple pleasures in life are to be treasured.