Joy to the world! My beloved, childhood angels!
Have you noticed how over-the-top Christmas decorations have become throughout the recent years? In contrast, I remember what Mummy shared with me “good things come in small packages,” along with, "it’s the little details which delight the heart.”
Diminutive decorations in your home can be absolutely charming to discover and behold! Petite vignettes, especially the ones with a significant meaning for the owner of the house, are also sweet. Ultimately, treasures with sentimental value are the best decoration.
For example, in our living room at Fox Hall, there is a miniature circle of German wooden hand-carved angels that are worn and well loved. They are gathered around a little tree. My parents purchased these when we lived in Germany eons ago and allowed me to play with them. Yes, some broke through the years, but those remaining have survived, acquired “love marks,” and are cherished. Their worn patina is authentic and enchanting, and continue to conjure up my beloved memories every year when I place them on our living room chest. No wonder these angels are well worn; they have been busy dancing around this tree for decades!
These precious angels are a stupendous gift to give and receive! I arrange them around a musical tree that was Mummy’s. When I wind up the tree, it gently turns and the angelic music brings happy tears along with a flood of joyous Christmas memories from my childhood. 💗🎄
As piglet said in Winnie the Pooh, "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." This reminds me of another noteworthy aspect for giving a sentimental gift. There is nothing more splendid than a homemade gift. From a drawing, to a photograph, a poem, or a song played on an instrument, these are the gifts that touch my heart the most!
From Fox Hall to you, I send my joyful wishes for a most meaningful and joyous Christmas with your loved ones.
To compliment the angel theme in our living room, I have arranged an entire orchestra playing their instruments proudly on the tea table in our front hall. Our German son-in-law’s family have given us this collection of angels through the years, and I am most grateful for them!