What do summer sunglasses and a glove have in common?

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What do summer sunglasses and a glove have in common?

Both are thoughtfully removed whilst being introduced to another person. 

Recently, I attended a lovely luncheon fundraiser in Palm Beach.  It was outside, under a charming, fern-adorned canopy at The Colony Hotel pool.  We were in the shade due to the canopy above.  I was seated at a table with an inspiring and very accomplished group of ladies.  The conversation amongst us was informative and most delightful.  I feel privileged to have met them!  We all exchanged personal cards and I look forward to seeing them again.  But, one lady had sunglasses on the entire time.  If I ever have the good fortune of seeing her again, I must confess, I will not have a clue who she is because she never removed her sunglasses.  Besides that, her sunglasses were tinted silver, reflecting a mirror-like appearance.  This was distracting, as I looked at myself the entire time!

As a guest of a dear friend, in a restaurant, I had a similar experience.  After lunch, as we were departing the dining room, my host recognized a longtime friend entering and introduced me to her.  The friend wore a hat and very dark sunglasses.  Well, I can remember her name, but I have no idea what she looks like, so I would never be able to recognize her!  And yet, I imagine after our lengthy conversation that she might be able to recognize me.  If we run into one another again, I would be at a loss and it would be embarrassing not to acknowledge her.  Has this ever happened to you?

It is a time-honored tradition to remove your sunglasses upon meeting someone.  And, it is also thoughtful to remove them for an encounter with someone you do know.  This is tantamount to the courtesy of removing your right-hand glove when shaking another person's hand.  (Note: the glove removal, which was applicable pre-covid, is now an option, “apres” vaccination!)

Forbidden Faux Pas

No-no: To wear sunglasses inside at a social gathering. 

No-no:  To wear sunglasses to a wedding ceremony.  Even if it takes place outside and the sun is out, it is thoughtful to remove them so that the photographs of the event will show the guests,  and not the want-to-be-movie stars wearing sunglasses. 

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