Going through a receiving line at a gala for The Versailles Foundation, Inc., eye contact and a smile are a must!
One lesson that is so important to impart on your children and grandchildren is eye contact when speaking and listening to someone, and especially when expressing gratitude, shaking hands, and giving a toast. Eye contact, from one person to another, shows interest, respect, as well as genuine appreciation.
Do let me know if you have suggestions on how to instill “good eye contact” with children. My four grandchildren in Germany practice looking each other in the eye almost every night at dinner when they say “cheers” to one another. Their parents remind them to look each person in the eye as they clink their glass of milk with each sibling. This charming exercise is amusing for the children and serves to reinforce a valuable social lesson at a young age. Good eye contact is also expected when they shake hands when meeting adults. Teaching these noteworthy gestures to children are gifts that will benefit them for life. Do you agree?
And, smiling is another thoughtful gesture to encourage. The simple act of smiling releases endorphins for both the smile-er and the smile-ee. A smile draws others to you and puts people at ease, as it communicates warmth and love. The gift of a smile doesn’t cost anything yet it is invaluable in the positive effects it can create for yourself… and for others.
Recently, I was walking past a store employee who was pushing a large cart of empty boxes to the recycle area. I noticed his head was down as he was going through his humdrum daily routine. People walked by him with no notice. I happened to catch his eye… and smiled. He immediately smiled back. Even his eyes smiled! Giving a smile to someone who doesn’t expect it is a silent gift which gives joy to others so easily.
At the Salvation Army of Palm Beach County’s fundraising event, the “British Beatles Bash,” the guests wore festive 60’s attire, from go-go boots to bell bottoms! When fun neon glasses were passed out, we realized it was a bit of a challenge to have eye contact with one another… so we had this photo taken instead!
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Let’s keep gentility alive!
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