Some of your best ideas may come while on holiday!

Secrets to Lovely Living endeavors to cover topics I hope will enrich your life. With that in mind, I am honored to present my daughter, Alexandra, to you. She just may enhance your life! Thank you for indulging me.

Vacation gives you time to start implementing simple micro habits, to think about navigating a career move or even pushing out of your comfort zone and finally starting that business you’ve been contemplating!

This summer, if you're pondering questions about your present status, future, or workplace challenges (universal concerns), or if you know someone who is, you may wish to consider hiring a coach. From recent college graduates to established CEOs, we all face challenges at some point. 

My daughter, Alexandra Terhalle, is a University of Cambridge-certified Coach dedicated to helping professionals all over the world, at all levels, find clarity and purpose, unlocking their unlimited potential. Her expertise, which includes Executive Coaching, Relocation Coaching, and Career and Confidence Coaching, is a testament to her ability to catalyze growth and inspiration with transformative coaching. 

An accomplished coach can be extraordinary for your personal growth. Alexandra’s  portfolio includes international executives from Fortune 500 companies (Apple, Google, MARS, 3M, American Express, etc.). She coaches worldwide on Zoom from her office in Berlin, Germany. 

If you know someone ready to grow exponentially, please do consider passing along Alexandra’s website. I was lucky enough to have her coach me… and she helped me find the courage to accomplish many of my personal and professional goals! 

May summertime give you time to reassess your goals, where ever you are! 



PS “Freebie!” 15 BEST BOOKS to Inspire You This Summer, click here!