Picture this: You’re out to dinner, enjoying a divine meal with others, and suddenly, you realize your lipstick has disappeared faster than you expected. Fear not! Here’s how to properly reapply lipstick color to your lips, without becoming a circus act- especially when surrounded by fellow diners. Discretion rules! A lady should try not to draw attention to herself while performing this delicate task.
The old-school, Southern way I was privy to as a young adult is still applicable: lipstick is applied to the bottom lip only, quickly and discreetly, when in the company of others. Then, the two lips are rubbed together to get the lipstick color on the top lip. One and done!
Here’s how to master the art of discreet lipstick application:
Location, Location, Location! Place your lipstick in your evening bag or pocketbook so that it can be easily accessible. Ensure it is at the top. This way, you can simply reach in and grab it. Like braille, you’ll be able to remove it without looking into your bag!
The Sneaky Swipe! While everyone else is deep in conversation, use this moment to twirl up the lipstick without anyone seeing you; this is a covert operation- do it under the table! Apply the lipstick to your bottom lip swiftly and rub your lips together. Voilà! As a lipstick ninja, no one will even notice because you will execute this with quiet grace.
Of course, the gold standard is to excuse yourself to the powder room for a proper application. But if you wish to stay at the table, the above method is appropriate. If you use a wand-type lipstick or require a mirror, it is best to go to the ladies' powder room to avoid calling attention to yourself.
Forbidden Faux Pas:
No-no: Leaving a ring of lipstick marks around the rim of a glass or tea/coffee cup.
What is done: Keep your lipstick mark in the same position to avoid creating a ring of shame around the rim.
No-no: Applying ANY kind of make-up at the dinner table or in the company of others.
What is done: Politely excuse yourself to the powder room for a touch-up.
No-no: Leaving lipstick marks on a linen napkin at someone’s home.
What to do: Blot your lips with a tissue in the powder room before dinner so that you do not make your host cringe when they see lipstick marks on their linens after you have departed.
No-no: Touching your hair at the dinner table.
What to do: Excuse yourself and go to the powder room for a quick comb or hair rearrangement. Sometimes, it’s just a nervous habit- so learn to refrain.
Left to right :
Clinique - Confetti Pop 38
Yves St Laurent- Rouge Pur 49 (can’t find it anymore!)
Take a peek HERE at my lipstick Instagram video. Trust me, if you like vibrant pink, your lips will thank you!
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