Alluring Awnings!

A vibrant orange accent piping accentuates the beautifully designed, dome/half-round awnings that grace the newly renovated Cafe L’Europe restaurant. The new owners have done a stellar job modernizing and maintaining their reputed upscale elegance. …

A vibrant orange accent piping accentuates the beautifully designed, dome/half-round awnings that grace the newly renovated Cafe L’Europe restaurant. The new owners have done a stellar job modernizing and maintaining their reputed upscale elegance. Stuart and I enjoy walking to dine there immensely, and the classic combination of blue and orange are my husband’s college alma mater colors, another attractor factor!

When I heard the word “awning” a few years ago, I thought of old-ladyish fixtures made out of mundane metal hangings over a window to grant shade to an uninspiring house. Well, that image has certainly made a total 360 in the most gloriously decorative way ever while living in Palm Beach! I adore how bespoke awnings, which are attached to an exterior wall, can be customized. They become the darling architectural detail that serves to enhance stunning houses and businesses. An awn-ing is anything but a Y-awn!!

Wadia Associates, LLC, is a distinguished architectural firm that excels at designing breathtakingly beautiful, traditional houses worldwide. Their office in Palm Beach features graceful black and white awnings, mimicking the crisp black and white exterior colors.  It is an honor to know Dinyar Wadia, Principal of Wadia Associates, and I am elated that he has an office in Palm Beach now, as well as Connecticut.

Wadia Associates, LLC, is a distinguished architectural firm that excels at designing breathtakingly beautiful, traditional houses worldwide. Their office in Palm Beach features graceful black and white awnings, mimicking the crisp black and white exterior colors.  It is an honor to know Dinyar Wadia, Principal of Wadia Associates, and I am elated that he has an office in Palm Beach now, as well as Connecticut.

I wanted to share with you why I admire and appreciate awnings that embellish commercial establishments and private houses, especially here in Florida. They are not only practical when hung over an entrance door to protect guests from tropical rain while entering or departing, but they are also advantageous in shielding the penetrating sun from sizzling a window and heating up an interior. While creating shade, they also serve as a decorative element, like pretty earrings that complement an outfit. This is why I enjoy discovering and admiring them!

The English House, owned by the former U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, is featured as the cover of my Palm Beach book. Note the charmingly discreet white-domed awning gracing the front door. It blends in quietly to the white facade of this handsome Bermudian house, built in 1931, by the renowned Palm Beach architect, Marion Sims Wyeth. The English House has a fascinating history, along with a murderous story attached to its first owner, Sir Harry Oaks. The distinguished white awning is a hint at the well-appointed interiors inside, which are the very essence of quiet, understated elegance.

The English House, owned by the former U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, is featured as the cover of my Palm Beach book. Note the charmingly discreet white-domed awning gracing the front door. It blends in quietly to the white facade of this handsome Bermudian house, built in 1931, by the renowned Palm Beach architect, Marion Sims Wyeth. The English House has a fascinating history, along with a murderous story attached to its first owner, Sir Harry Oaks. The distinguished white awning is a hint at the well-appointed interiors inside, which are the very essence of quiet, understated elegance.

While admiring a particular awning, stop to ponder why the unique shape, color combination, or intriguing style was chosen and ask yourself, “what contributes to the allure of this awning style?”

The multitude of attractive styles and colors that are offered for custom awnings will vary in their well-appointed edges and shapes. I do not profess to know how they are made, but I do admire how the design and colors are chosen to serve to complement either the architecture and color of an edifice, business logo, or even the outdoor furniture. I hope to inspire you to appreciate an attractive awning when you see it!

Findlay Galleries on Worth Avenue is over 150 years old and has two floors of exemplary art. The Gallery presents notable art exhibitions of some of my favorite French artists and Contemporary artists… all museum-worthy. It is always a pleasure to take a client to Findlay. We leave mesmerized, enlightened, and infatuated with an appreciation for the art represented. Note how the curved shape of the awning’s corner is accentuated by the placement and design of the black and white striped canvas, and is repeated on the terrace above. The black, topiary-filled planters at the front entrance continue the color scheme of the awning.

Findlay Galleries on Worth Avenue is over 150 years old and has two floors of exemplary art. The Gallery presents notable art exhibitions of some of my favorite French artists and Contemporary artists… all museum-worthy. It is always a pleasure to take a client to Findlay. We leave mesmerized, enlightened, and infatuated with an appreciation for the art represented. Note how the curved shape of the awning’s corner is accentuated by the placement and design of the black and white striped canvas, and is repeated on the terrace above. The black, topiary-filled planters at the front entrance continue the color scheme of the awning.

Grandmillennial Tip:

Think about the lining for the inside TOO! Have fun with this aspect!  The recently renovated Colony Hotel in Palm Beach has chosen a happy medley of greens as the underskirt to their frilly “paradise pretty” awnings!

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Take a peek at my Instagram to see a little video of other attractive awnings I spied in Palm Beach!

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